Supporting theatre, changing lives

Support Us

Make a Donation

Help us to encourage and engage our local community. However large or small, we are most grateful for every donation which will directly contribute to illuminating people’s lives with the joy and excitement
of the theatre.

As a registered charity, the RTT can claim Gift Aid on all donations. For every £1 you give, and if you are a UK tax payer, we can claim an extra 25p from HMRC. For more information about Gift Aid or to alter an existing Gift Aid declaration, please contact us.

Donate via JustGiving

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Remember us in Your Will

If you are considering remembering Richmond Theatre Trust in your will, you may have further questions or requests. Please contact us to discuss or if you would like assistance to find a local solicitor.
The value of your legacy will be deducted before your estate is assessed for inheritance tax, so by remembering us in your will, all of your gift will go directly to the Trust. If you are giving a set sum, you may wish to index link it so its value is maintained.

If you already have a will but would like to leave a gift to Richmond Theatre Trust, you can do so by making an addition (codicil) to your existing will. Please contact us if you would like a simple codicil form sent to you.

Easy Fundraising is a great way to help raise money for Richmond Theatre Trust just by shopping online. It doesn’t cost you anything extra! Simply register and choose to support the Trust, and then start shopping at thousands of online retailers, including major shops like Tesco, Amazon and Next.